R&D for Phase III and beyond (2019-present):
A test stand at University of Mainz. It collects data on the conversion of hydrogen molecules into atoms. Hydrogen molecules enter the top of the setup are broken into atoms by the glowing atom source seen through the round window; the atoms then travel to the lower part of the setup where a detector counts them. Sep 2020.
Alec is installing a new pressure gauge on the Mainz atomic hydrogen test stand. Jan 2020
Protected from air inside an ultra-high vacuum chamber, a white-hot tungsten tube heats hydrogen molecules until they break apart into atoms. Mainz, Sep 2020
The green speckles in this image are reflections of a laser beam used to align a hydrogen atom beam with a mass spectrometer, as seen through a window of an ultra-high vacuum chamber. Mainz, Dec 2019
This is a mass spectrometer that can tell the difference between hydrogen atoms, hydrogen molecules, and other gases. The mass spectrometer first gives an electric charge to a beam of atoms and molecules, separates the lighter atoms from the heavier molecules, and then collects the atoms in a counter below this image. Jun 2021
Hydrogen cracker test stand at UW. Nov 2019
MIT dilution refrigerator, at 20mK. Investigating amplifiers that exploit quantum properties of superconductive materials to reduce noise. July 2021
Josephson traveling wave amplifier. It consists of a transmission line in the dark square. You can distinguish a snake-like structure, consisting of 2000 unit cells containing Josephson Junctions and phase matching elements. The radio-wave signal travels through these while being amplified through mixing with a stronger wave, called the pump wave. July 2021
R&D for Phase III Free-Space CRES demonstrator (2020-present):
Experimental setup at Yale. Feb 2021
Two antennas facing each other. March 2021
Close-up of microwave-transparent IR insulation. April 2021
Mirror selfie with microwave-transparent IR insulation. April 2021
Prototype of a slotted waveguide antenna. April 2021
Phase II experiment (2018-19)
The Project 8 neutrino mass experiment has pioneered a new energy-measuring technique, Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy; the apparatus shown here is the second that the collaboation has built and the first to use tritium. The decay of tritium gas provides direct information on the mass of the neutrino, and Project 8 is pursuing a collaborative, phased approach to building the world's most sensitive neutrino mass experiment. See photos below for work on constructing, upgrading and operating this experiment in 2018-19.
Ali wiring sensors within the ISO cross as the insert is being installed. April 2018
Bottom view of the magnet showing the field-shifting solenoid's cooling coils. April 2018
Tritium gas cylinder attached to the newly-installed gas system. April 2018
Elise and Ali installing the field-shifting solenoid. April 2018
Phase II waveguide cell before adding the RF terminator. April 2018
Winding the field-shifting solenoid. March 2018
Holes allowing source gas to enter the waveguide cell in the Phase II insert. April 2018
View inside the ISO cross after the insert is being installed. April 2018
ISO cross installation. May 2018
The main magnet being prepared for Phase IIb. April 2018
Matt Kallander doing the helium fill for the Phase II magnet. Dec 2019
Phase II apparatus during a liquid helium fill for the magnet. Dec 2019
Phase I experiment photos (2014-16)
The Phase Ib waveguide cell prior to installation. May 2016
The Phase Ia waveguide cell prior to installation. May 2014